Suvi’s Campfire Chili


Suvi made this delicious and hearty chillie for a camping trip a few years ago. It’s a little labor of love and Suvi, like my mom, goes all out when it comes to a) cooking for get loved ones and b) cooking while camping.

1.5 lbs beef chuck, cut into 1/2 in cubes
1 large onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 Pasilla chili, diced
2 Fresno chilies (spicy) or 1 red or orange bell pepper (mild), diced
1 ear of corn, kernels only (or one small can plain corn kernels)
1 can diced Italian tomatoes (I really like Pomi tomatoes in a red and white box)
1 can black beans, drained
1/2 bottle beer, pale ale or lager
1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped

1 tbs each of:
   Paprika (smoked, preferably)
   Black pepper
   Chili powder (Gerhardt’s brand is my favorite)
2 tsp each of:
   Chipotle Chili (optional, spicy)

Place a little oil in a Dutch oven or heave bottomed pot on medium high heat (7). Add the onions and stir constantly for about 7 minutes until they are translucent and begin to turn golden. Add the garlic and continue cooking for another minute. Add the meat in handfuls, stirring rapidly to sear and remove red color. If they start to sweat, turn up the temperature a little. When all the meat is seared, add the chilies and/or bell pepper, spices and stir to coat. Stir in the corn, tomatoes, and black beans. Bring to a simmer. Add the beer and return to simmer. Turn the heat down to just barely simmer and cover for 1-1.5 hrs until the beef can be cut with a fork. Deglaze the fat. Stir in the cilantro and serve with tortilla chips, avocado, sour cream, or whatever else you feel like!

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