Gallo Pinto

I remember watching my grandma Myriam & Coco making this in the kitchen when I was a little girl and Jason was a baby. Abuelito Jorge would eat it with homemade Nicaraguan cheese and corn tortillas. When we cook it, I’m transported to their kitchen. 
Remember that Nicaraguan Rice posted earlier? You’ll need that. 

Red beans
Olive oil
Garlic powder or crushed fresh garlic Leftover
Nicaraguan Rice


Soak red beans for about 2hrs & cook. Best to follow directions on the package. 
In oil, saute onion, not too cooked, add beans with a dash of garlic powder or minced garlic clove.
Then add rice and mix. 

Serve with corn tortillas and a chunk of queso fresco. 
Mmmmmm ¡sabroso!

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