Nicaraguan Rice

This is my dad, Jorge’s recipe. The best addition to this rice is ketchup not soy sauce. I also like it for breakfast the next morning with an over easy egg. And it is the base recipe for Gallo Pinto or Arroz Aguado.


  • 2 c White rice
  • 3 tbs Olive oil or vegetable oil  
  • 2 White or yellow onions
  • 1 each Red, Yellow, Orange and/or Green Bell Peppers (1 of each is usually a solid choice or just use what you have) 
  • 2 tsp salt 
  • 4 c water 


Heat the oil in a very large frying pan or large shallow pot (make sure it has a lid!!!).

Add the rice a little at a time sautéing and coating the rice with the oil. When the rice starts to pop a little, add the water. Make sure not to burn the rice. After you add the water, add the sliced onions and peppers to the top of the rice. Add the salt (more or less depends on taste). Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer and cover with the lid. Cook for 20 min or so.

Serves 8. On a good day 😉

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  1. Pingback: Gallo Pinto | Our Big Crazy Family

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